
For a small competition, it can be sufficient to deploy all CTF infrastructure on a single host. If your competition is larger, you should distribute CTF Gameserver's components over several machines.

Some recommendations on that with regard to CPU, memory, and disk requirements…

… for external requirements:

  • From our experience, CTF Gameserver does not put a high load on the Postgres database. A small to medium-sized machine should be sufficient as database server.
  • VPN/router machines have rather high requirements. It can make sense to run multiple of them and shard teams among them.

… for CTF Gameserver components:

  • The Controller can reasonably be colocated on the database server, as its requirements are quite low.
  • Submission has relatively low requirements. In small to medium-sized setups, colocating it with database and Controller should suffice. In larger setups, one small machine should be enough, but multiple machines are still possible.
  • The Web component scales like a typical Django-based web app. If you get more requests, it makes sense to use a separate, more powerful host. You could also run multiple application servers, but we never felt the need to do so.
  • The requirements of the Checkers drastically depend on the behavior of your individual Checker scripts. It usually makes sense to scale Checkers by running them on multiple powerful machines.
  • If you use the VPN Status component, the collection helper must run on your VPN/router machines.

Package Build

The recommended installation method for CTF Gameserver is through a Debian package. We do not provide pre-built packages, which gives you the option to apply all kinds of adjustments before building a package.

To get a package, clone CTF Gamesever's repository to a Debian-based host. There are no releases, but the "master" branch should always be in a usable state.

The build commands are:

$ git clone
$ cd ctf-gameserver
# Do custom adjustments if desired
$ sudo apt install devscripts dpkg-dev equivs
$ sudo mk-build-deps --install debian/control
$ dpkg-buildpackage --unsigned-changes --unsigned-buildinfo

This should result in a package file called ctf-gameserver_1.0_all.deb in the parent directory.

All components get installed from this same Debian package, but none of them are activated upon installation. You control what gets run where, by starting the corresponding systemd units (or configuring a web application server).


The recommended way to install and configure CTF Gameserver is to use our Ansible roles provided in CTF Gameserver Ansible.

For instructions on how to use these roles, please refer to that repo's README file. The roles will install a PostgreSQL server from the Debian repositories and set up the Gameserver database.



Configuration for the components is either provided through command-line arguments or equivalent environment variables. The Debian package already installs minimal environment files with dummy values to /etc/ctf-gameserver, from where they get picked up by the systemd units.

You can get help on the individual options by invoking CTF Gameserver's executables with the --help option (ctf-controller --help, ctf-submission --help, etc.).

When using the Ansible roles, options in the environment files get set from the respective Ansible variables.


The Submission server runs an event loop and is single-threaded. To make use of multiple CPU cores, you need to run multiple instances.

To support that need, the submission systemd service is an instantiated unit. The instance name (the part after the '@') controls the name of an additional environment file (/etc/ctf-gameserver/submission-<name>.env). This can be used to run multiple instances on different ports.

The Ansible role will already create one instance with an associated environment file per port listed in ctf_gameserver_submission_listen_ports.

To still provide a single submission port to teams, you may use iptables rules like these (assuming four instances):

$ iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 666 -m state --state NEW -m statistic --mode nth --every 4 --packet 0 - j DNAT --to-destination :6666
$ iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 666 -m state --state NEW -m statistic --mode nth --every 3 --packet 0 - j DNAT --to-destination :6667
$ iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 666 -m state --state NEW -m statistic --mode nth --every 2 --packet 0 - j DNAT --to-destination :6668
$ iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 666 -m state --state NEW -m statistic --mode nth --every 1 --packet 0 - j DNAT --to-destination :6669


Checkers use an instantiated systemd unit with a Checker Master instance per service. The Ansible role will not configure or start these instances.

A typical service-specific environment file in /etc/ctf-gameserver/checker/<service>.env will look like this:


There may be multiple Master instances for each service (usually on separate hosts). CTF_CHECKERCOUNT must be set to the total number of Master instances for the service. CTF_INTERVAL is the time between launching batches of Checker Scripts in seconds and should be considerably shorter than the tick length.

You need to explicitly configure an output for Checker Scripts logs using either the CTF_JOURNALD or the CTF_GELF_SERVER (Graylog) option. Larger setups should use Graylog as it can handle a larger volume of log entries. See the docs on Checker logging for details.


Application Server

To run the Web component, you will need a WSGI application server such as Gunicorn or uWSGI. Please refer to Django's instructions on how to deploy with WSGI.

The Web component uses Django's settings mechanism instead of the environment files described above. Its config file is located at /etc/ctf-gameserver/web/ When using the Ansible role, that file gets generated from an Ansible template.

The WSGI module for CTF Gameserver is called ctf_gameserver.web.wsgi:application. To pick up the configuration file, /etc/ctf-gameserver/web must be on the PYTHONPATH and the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE must be set to prod_settings.

Example config for uWSGI, using Debian packages uwsgi and uwsgi-plugin-python3:

plugins = python3
uwsgi-socket = /run/uwsgi/ctf-gameserver.sock
python-path = /etc/ctf-gameserver/web
module = ctf_gameserver.web.wsgi:application
env = DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=prod_settings
master = True
vacuum = True

Medium-sized or larger setups should utilize Django’s cache framework. We recommend using Memcached with django.core.cache.backends.memcached.PyMemcacheCache. Memcached's memory limits should be increased by setting -m 256 and -I 5m.

Static Files

In addition to the application server, some static files need to be delivered through a web server (e.g. one that also acts as reverse proxy for the application). An example nginx config snippet would look like this:

location /static/ {
    alias /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ctf_gameserver/web/static/;
location /static/admin/ {
    root /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/django/contrib/admin/;
location /uploads/ {
    alias /var/www/gameserver_uploads/;
    # Prevent any JS execution from user uploads as a defense-in-depth measure
    add_header Content-Security-Policy "default-src 'none'";
location = /robots.txt {
    alias /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ctf_gameserver/web/static/robots.txt;


Using the nginx add_header directive within a location block will clear any other headers set in outer blocks. Repeat those headers in the location block or switch all of your nginx header handling to ngx_headers_more.

Manual Database Setup (without Ansible)

If you are not using our Ansible roles, you need to manually install PostgreSQL and set up the database.

  1. Create a Postgres user and a database owned by it. Add these parameters to /etc/ctf-gameserver/web/
  2. PYTHONPATH=/etc/ctf-gameserver/web DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=prod_settings django-admin migrate auth
  3. PYTHONPATH=/etc/ctf-gameserver/web DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=prod_settings django-admin migrate
  4. To create an initial admin user for the Web component, run: PYTHONPATH=/etc/ctf-gameserver/web DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=prod_settings django-admin createsuperuser

If you want to restrict database access for the individual roles to what is actually required, create additional Postgres users with the respective database grants. For details, see the tasks from the "db_epilog" Ansible role.

Gameserver Setup

After setting up the database and the web component, visit your website. It is expected that the start page will show error 404, as no content has been created yet. Instead, visit the /admin path and log in with your web credentials (Ansible vars ctf_gameserver_web_admin_user & ctf_gameserver_web_admin_pass).

To configure the basic parameters of your competition, click "Game control" (under "SCORING"). Afterward, add your services. There is no need to touch "Captures", "Flags", "Status checks", or "VPN status checks".

You can use "Flatpages" to provide static web content. By default, each category will result in a dropdown menu in the main navigation. For the home page, create a page with an empty title and no category.

Personal files (e.g. VPN configs or other credentials) can be provided to teams confidentially through the "Team Downloads" feature. To use it, set up TEAM_DOWNLOADS_ROOT in and set up the file names and descriptions through the admin interface. The per-team files then must be copied to the filesystem hierarchy below TEAM_DOWNLOADS_ROOT, see the comment in for details.