Checker Script Python Library

The Checker Script Python Library provides facilities to write Checker Scripts in Python 3.

It takes care of:

  • Communication with the Checker Master
  • Starting check steps
  • Command line argument handling
  • Configuring logging to send messages to the Master
  • Setup of default timeouts for Python sockets, urllib3, and Requests
  • Handling of common connection exceptions and converting them to a DOWN result

This means that you do not have to catch timeout exceptions and can just let the library take care of them.


To use the library, you must have the ctf_gameserver.checkerlib package available to your Python installation. That package is self-contained and does not require any external dependencies.

One option to do that would be to clone the CTF Gameserver repository and create a symlink called ctf_gameserver to src/ctf_gameserver.

Another option would be to install CTF Gameserver (preferably to a virtualenv) by running pip install . in the repository directory.


To create a Checker Script, create a subclass of checkerlib.BaseChecker implementing the following methods:

  • place_flag(self, tick: int) -> checkerlib.CheckResult: Called once per Script execution to place a flag for the current tick. Use checkerlib.get_flag(tick) to get the flag.
  • check_service(self) -> checkerlib.CheckResult: Called once per Script execution to determine general service health.
  • check_flag(self, tick: int) -> checkerlib.CheckResult: Determine if the flag for the given tick can be retrieved. Use checkerlib.get_flag(tick) to get the flag to check for. Called multiple times per Script execution, for the current and preceding ticks.

In your __main__ code, call checkerlib.run_check() with your class as argument. The library will take care of calling your methods, merging the results, and submitting them to the Checker Master.


  • get_flag(tick: int) -> str: Get the flag for the given tick (for the checked team).
  • set_flagid(data: str) -> None: Store the Flag ID for the current tick.
  • store_state(key: str, data: Any) -> None: Store arbitrary Python data persistently across runs.
  • load_state(key: str) -> Any: Retrieve data stored through store_state().
  • run_check(checker_cls: Type[BaseChecker]) -> None: Start the check.


  • The checkerlib.BaseChecker class provides the following attributes:
    • self.ip: IP address of the checked team (may be IPv4 or IPv6, depending on your CTF)
    • (Net) number of the checked team
  • checkerlib.CheckResult provides the following constants to express check results, see general docs for their semantics:
    • CheckResult.OK
    • CheckResult.DOWN
    • CheckResult.FAULTY
    • CheckResult.FLAG_NOT_FOUND

Minimal Example

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from ctf_gameserver import checkerlib

class MinimalChecker(checkerlib.BaseChecker):
    def place_flag(self, tick):
        return checkerlib.CheckResult.OK

    def check_service(self):
        return checkerlib.CheckResult.OK

    def check_flag(self, tick):
        return checkerlib.CheckResult.OK

if __name__ == '__main__':

For a complete, but still simple, Checker Script see examples/checker/ in the CTF Gameserver repository.

Local Execution

When running your Checker Script locally, just pass your service IP, the tick to check (starting from 0), and a dummy team ID as command line arguments:

./ ::1 10 0

The library will print messages to stdout and generate dummy flags when launched without a Checker Master. State stored will be persisted in a file called _state.json in the current directory in that case.