
Command & Control

All integration between CTF Gameserver's components happens through a shared PostgreSQL database. The Controller orchestrates all actions performed by the other components based on its system clock. The system clock of the other components does not affect the competition's progress.


The competition is divided into discrete time frames of a fixed duration. These are called ticks and can be seen as rounds. Checking and scoring happen once per tick. Tick numbers start at zero.

Anatomy of a Tick

The Controller checks the clock and notices that it is time to start a new tick. It increments the current tick and creates the flags for the new tick in the database.

Each Checker Master belongs to one service. It regularly checks the database for flags to be placed. For each flag (i.e. team), it launches the service's Checker Script as a separate process. If any Scripts from previous ticks are still running, they get terminated. Checkers can be horizontally scaled by running multiple Master instances per service.

Checker Scripts have to be specifically created for the competition's individual services. Helper libraries are currently provided for Python and Go, but any language can be used to implement the Checker Script IPC protocol. For details, see the documentation on Checkers. The status for the tick (OK, down, etc.) is determined from the outcome of placing the new flag and retrieving flags from previous ticks. The resulting status gets written to the database.

At any time, teams can connect to the Submission server and submit flags they captured from other teams. The submission protocol is described in the Submission documentation. For flags that are valid and haven't been submitted by the same team before, a capture event is stored in the database. Submission servers can be horizontally scaled by running multiple instances. For an example configuration with multiple instances behind a single port, see the Submission installation docs.

At the start of the next tick, the Controller updates the scoreboard in the database by calculating the scores for the old tick based on status checks and capture events.


The string representation of a flag can always be generated from its database entry and the competition's flag secret. It consists of a configurable static prefix, followed by the encoded flag data and a MAC.

Using a prefix of FAUST_, a valid flag could look like this: FAUST_Q1RGLRml7uVTRVJBRXdsFhEI3jhxey9I

Flag IDs

In some cases, you want to provide teams with an identifier which helps retrieve an individual Flag. For example, consider a case where an exploit allows read access to a key/value store. To get Flag data, teams still have to know the keys under which valid Flags are stored. This can also help to reduce load on your service, because keys don't have to be brute-forced and a listing is not necessary.

For this purpose, we provide the concept of Flag IDs. They are purely optional, not every service needs to provide them.

Team Numbers

Teams have two different numbers, ID and Net Number.

The Team ID is the primary key of the team's database entry. It is usually assigned in ascending order by registration time and only used internally.

The Team Net Number is used to construct the team's IP address range (e.g. 10.66.<net-number>.0/24). It is assigned randomly and sometimes also just called "Team Number". It aims to prevent correlation between the teams' registration order and address range, making it harder to target a specific team. This means teams should only know their own assignment.


Flag IDs and the set of actually assigned Net Numbers are generally unknown to teams. This information is provided to teams as JSON by the CTF Gameserver web component under the path /competition/teams.json in the following format:

    "teams": [123, 456, 789],
    "flag_ids": {
        "service1": {
            // Keys are net numbers from above as strings
            "123": ["abc123", "def456"],
            "789": ["xxx", "yyy"]